good day!
Most of the players are using backhand sidespin flick in receiving serves. Is it effective in all kind of spins?
Hi Joshnathan,
It can be used for most serves. By coming under the ball you can even lift backspin serves.
It is being used a lot now. I might even try a few next time I play Jeff.
When your opponent serves long to you with sidespin what is the best way to deal with it? We explain your best options.
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Surapun Wongopasi Posted 12 years ago
Hi Alois and Jeff,
I want to know if you are returning a very heavy backspin serve, which stroke should you use, the backhand sidespin flick or the corkscrew backhand drive (like Zhang Jike or Ma Long)? It seems to me that the BH sidespin flick won't give you enough lift to clear the net. Thanks for your comments.
Hi Surapan,
The Backhand sidespin flick and Zhang Jike's return are the same thing.
You can adjust the angle of your bat to lift the backspin.