Backhand to forehand movement


loee k
loee k Asked 13 years ago

Hi coches,

i am lefthander player.i want to improve my backhand side movements.i am weak on that side i feel uncomfortable. Specially when any body give me 2 balls on my back hand stright and i want to move but i can't do. Kindly tell me the right steps.


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Loee,

This is something that you can practice during your training session.  Get your training partner to do 2 balls to the backhand and then one to the forehand.  After that you can get them to play several balls to the backhand and randomly select one that they play to your forehand.

This will give you practice at making that same movement.  To move to your forehand you make a small sidestep motion.  The movement is shown in the lesson on Footwork Basics.  One key part of footwork is that when you are hitting the ball you need to be still.  So you need to do all of your moving before the ball comes.

Work also on your technique for the backhand.  Make sure you are getting the start and finish positions correct as we show you in the lesson on the Backhand Counterhit.

Good luck with your game. 

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Thoughts on this question

loee k

loee k Posted 13 years ago

thanks for answering.yes i am improveing my game.i always need ur coaching.ur coaching is amazing.


Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 13 years ago
No problems Loee

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