Hey there,
I've never had any actual table tennis lessons but love the sport. I really want to get a decent bat to progress my game. I have looked at your merchandise the other option is something from ebay but I dont know enough about the bats to know what a fair price is or whether they are actually good quality bats. Any information you could give or recommend would be awesome:)
Hi Dylan,
If you are looking at the Rook ,then the main thing you need to think about when choosing a bat is the quality of the rubber. Unfortunately this is a difficult thing to do when you can 't touch the bat and the rubber and feel the quality of it.
If you are looking at the Touch with one of the rubber options then you need to get something that is not too fast as a blade and then choose an appropriate rubber depending on the speed you need. This will depend greatly on your experience and game.
We think this process is a really difficult one for players new to the game, which is why we have selected a few options that we know are good quality and will do the job.
If you find something let me know and I will see what I know about it.
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Dylan Hawkey Posted 12 years ago
Thanks for the advice. It must be pretty difficult to recommend a bat without seeing me play. If I was serious do you think going to see a professional would be better? If so do you have any good people in WA that could help?
Hi Dylan,
Is that WA in the U.S.? I don't have any contacts over there. Going to see someone would be a good idea. Perhaps even going to a local club wold be the best solution. It is a good idea anyway if you haven't been to one.
One of our readers may know of someone or a club. Here is a link to clubs in WA in the U.S. from the USATT site.