Blade - Rubber Combination


Dennis Tser
Dennis Tser Asked 10 years ago

Hello Coach

My name is Dennis. I am an intermediate player. I am more of an all around offensive oriented player (if there is such a thing)

This is my second year playing table tennis.

I prefer to play a controlled game while having in mind creating the conditions that will allow me to attack.

From the beginning it was easier for me to use my BH than my FH, but worked hard and I somehow managed to balance the two.

I can attack with my FH as well my BH and I use my BH to attack whenever i can. I move around a lot and have decent, if not good, footwork. I like to open the game with my BH and attack with my FH. (I find it hard to describe my own game so I will stop now :))

My question is about my set up.

I have a Stiff, fast blade that I like and don't want to change. It's a 729 Dynasty Super Carbon.

The rubbers (my first that I kept too long) are the 729 Faster.

I'm about to change rubbers and I need your advice on my choice. What I want to achieve is be able to produce more spin on the FH while maintaining the speed. And have a little more control while making an offensive game. I also spin with my BH.

I try to loop fast close to the table and from mid distance and counter loop away from the table. I also play a good defense game away from the table with chops and blocks (?). Close to the table my defense with the BH is not so good usually goes off the table or on the net. I rarely smash (mostly with my BH).

The rubbers I am considering to buy are these:

For the BH: Xiom Vega Europe.

For the FH: Xiom Omega V Tour.

I have studied a lot on the web and I am starting to get confused so I reach out to you for help.

What troubles me is if I am picking right to combine a stiff blade with Soft sponge for the BH and what effect will that have on my strokes and game.

And not going for the same rubber on my FH but choosing one with a little harder sponge. Do you think is it a good set up or I should use the same Rubber on both sides and if yes which one of the two? 

Thank you in advance I hope my english didn't confuse you. And you can help me to choose. I am also open to suggestions.

Thank you in advance and looking forward for your answer.

With respect


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Dennis,

They sound like good options to me but I will hand this one over to other readers to give their opinion.  I don’t think it will make a great deal of difference but it is OK to have different rubbers on the two sides as our forehand and backhand often have different abilities.

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Thoughts on this question

Anthony Capasso

Anthony Capasso Posted 10 years ago

I don't know about the omega V but the vega is really good. It's very fast with surprisingly good control. Good luck.

Dennis Tser

Dennis Tser Posted 10 years ago

Thank you Coach and thank you Anthony,

one more think what do you think about the stiff blade/soft sponge combination, should I go with that, will it fit my game?

And Anthony do you think that the Vega would be too soft to use it on my FH too?

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