Building Stamina


Vigneswara Prabhu
Vigneswara Prabhu Asked 6 years ago

Dear Coach,

I have been playing regularly and improved my technique thanks to your material and Guidance.

To preface I'm 26 years old and Desk-worker. Daily I manage to find 1-2 Hours to play.

But I have been problems with fatigue and shortness of breath during particularly intensive matches.

I have maybe 15-20 mins of energy for Intensive games before my limbs feel leaden.

Can you make suggestions on workout/routine that can improve my Stamina.

Thanks in Advance.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Vigneswara,

Some things that you can think about are swimming, walking, jogging, cycling.  It is important that you make sure that you get some medical advice first as well to make sure there isn't anything else that you need to consider.

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Backhand Topspin

Often players spend more time practicing their forehand topspin over their backhand topspin. As a result their forehand becomes a stronger shot. If you want to improve your backhand then practice it! Watch this master class for some other great tips to get your backhand firing!

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Thoughts on this question

Vigneswara Prabhu

Vigneswara Prabhu Posted 5 years ago

Good Day Alois,

When Playing Backhand 80% of my shots end up either in the net or outside. when i swing to make a backhand shot, the movement feels very restricted.

Most of my plays involve waiting and picking up the ball outside or from under the table. 

For particularly low altitude balls how can i make an effective back hand return.

Also when performing the back hand shot is it just the wrist that moves, does movement of the elbow muck up the shot ?


Thanks in Advance.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 5 years ago

Hi Vigneshwara,

Perhaps you are focused too much on your forehand side so that when the ball comes to the backhand you are not in a good position to play the shot.  This will lead to a feeling on being restricted.

If the ball is low you can extend the length of your shot to lift the ball.  Play the ball with topspin to allow you to lift it up and over the net and still get it to come down again onto the table.  The stroke is essentially with the forearm and wrist but when you have this little bit of time you can also use your upper arm to some extent.

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