Choosing my first bat


Kristijan Jankoski
Kristijan Jankoski Asked 11 years ago

Dear pingskills,

I've been playing tennis for 11 years and few months ago switched to table tennis. At first I planned to play only recreational but I got addicted to the sport :) So far I've only used anti-spin bat and my strokes are kinda messed up ( tennis style forehand for e.g. ) - I can hit hard, but my consistency is really low(~55%) and the balls have no spin at all.
So It's time to choose my first bat. Could you give me an advice what I should choose? I use the shakehand grip.

I was looking at the DHS X6002 bat, with Skyline 2 & Hurricane 3. Would it be good enough for me?

Thanks for reading!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Kristijan,

Firstly that sounds like a reasonable choice of bat.  It will allow you to learn the strokes well.  The main thing is to get something with a flat rubber with some sponge under it.  The rubber surface should have some grip as well.  We have the PingSkills Rook on our site as an option as well.

Regarding your strokes, take a look through our lessons in the Strokes & Technique section.  Work your way through these.

The main thing I find with players transitioning from Tennis is to make the strokes shorter and more vertical.  Topspin is the key to getting consistency.

As you go through the lessons let me know if you have any queries.

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