

Lukasz Drazdzewski
Lukasz Drazdzewski Asked 12 years ago

I would like to know if there is a big difference between a counterhit and a no-spin topspin? I am asking about both shot execution and the way to handle the shot for the receiver.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Lukasz,

Interesting question.  These strokes are all just variations of each other.  The forehand can be lengthened or shortened with more or less spin.  We pigeon hole forehand strokes into a few stroke names but in reality there are a thousand different strokes or a thousand variations of the one stroke, whichever way you want to look at it.

Probably the one difference you can talk about with these two strokes is the length of the stroke.  The no spin topspin would have a longer stroke to give the disguise of the stroke to make your opponent think there is topspin. There is probably a similar amount of spin and speed on both so could be handled similarly.

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Backhand Chop

This video lesson teaches the backhand chop. It also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using long pimples on your backhand.

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Thoughts on this question

Lukasz Drazdzewski

Lukasz Drazdzewski Posted 12 years ago

Thank you Alois, interesting response. I am afraid I am sad to realize most of my topspins against block are no spin topspins, as they go over the table (wayyy over) when I try to swing harder to impact spin. I can manage to put a topspin against backspin on the table, although here also the level of aggression on my part is not great. Therefore, I find myself most of the time... blocking, even when I attack first. Any advice/quick wins? Love the quick wins

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Try just turning your bat over the ball more on the topspin.  This will force you to brush the ball and generate speed with the stroke to get it over the net.

As always think about the start and finish positions.  If you are tense you will shorten your stroke by having a higher start position and lower finish position.

DHS Lover

DHS Lover Posted 12 years ago

helo, sorry for disturbing...
I want to ask that is it better to put some topspin on the counterhit or just hit it flat ?
just like the counterhit stroke videos, did you put some topspin on it ?
and if counterhit is a flat contact of the ball, then why the finish position is that the bat up near eyebrow and it means that it'll generate some topspin on it...
yeah, just wanna know the truth because i've just see the PingSkills Exhibition that you play with Brett and it seems like Brett counterhit is a flat ball and the finish position is not up at the eyebrow
please for the respone ^^
thank you very much :D

Pedja Maric

Pedja Maric Posted 12 years ago

As far as I understand, the counter hit is flat. So, you have to hit usually the back of the ball. Simply because of the mechanism of the movement, you generate a little bit of top spin, but, key point for making that kind, or any kind of spin is brushing contact. More brushing, more spin.

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