Difference of blade quality


Devin Hirsch
Devin Hirsch Asked 8 years ago

Hi Alois,

I was looking at a lot of blades, and I noticed that the price can go really high. I use Yasaka Ma Lin Extra Offensive, a good balanced blade that has good controllable speed and goes for $50. But I also saw stuff like the Butterfly Innerforce Super ZLC that goes for over $200, or the Zhang Jike ZLC that goes for $400! 

My question is: What makes one so much better then the other? I'm assuming they all play well, so I'm pretty confused.

As always, thank you,

From Devin

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Devin,

You are right there isn't that much difference... definitely not $350 dollars or even $150 different.

Stay with the blade you are using now which is a good balanced blade.  If you want more speed or spin you can think about changing rubber to something faster.

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Thoughts on this question

Tushar Verma

Tushar Verma Posted 8 years ago

The blade's money depends on the company for example -A butterfly Timo boll Spirit (Arylate Carbon) Cost -135 Dollars,

But Sanwie F1 (Same Arylate Carbon) Costs-45 Dollars less than the half price of butterfly although they have the same material used.

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