Disguising topspin serve


Hello Teh
Hello Teh Asked 9 years ago

I have been trying to disguise my topspin serve but i just do not get the hang of it what can i do to disguise my topspin serve

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago


For the Pendulum serve hit the ball a little later in the swing when the bat is starting to go upwards.  This will mean that you will brush the ball with topspin.  The closer you can get the contact to the end of the downswing and the start of the upswing the harder it will be for your opponent to tell what type of spin you are putting on the ball.

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The reverse pendulum serve can be a real weapon but can be hard to learn. We simplify the process and show you step by step how to serve it effectively.

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