Effective Spins


Kareem Ghandour
Kareem Ghandour Asked 11 years ago

What is more effective a backspin or a sidespin

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Kareem,

It depends on which stroke you are talking about and in which situation.  They can both be very effective in different situations.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial


How is it that a player can always seem to get back those extremely fast topspins? Is it their incredible anticipation? The key to good anticipation actually lies in tracking the ball well. When you watch the ball closely your peripheral vision will pick up your opponents movements and with lots of practice those signs will help you anticipate what your opponent is going to do. This happens naturally with lots of experience. So it it your job to ensure that you are tracking the ball really carefully.

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Thoughts on this question

Kareem Ghandour

Kareem Ghandour Posted 11 years ago

what about out of the backspin reverse pendulem serve against Ma Lin or the sidespin reverse pendulem serve against Ma Lin?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

I think the backspin is more effective as it is more difficult for the opponent to attack.  However i twill depend on the opponent you are playing at the time.  Each opponent has strengths and weaknesses.  You will have to see which serve that opponent doesn't like.  Try them both against the opponent early in the match.

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