Fear of attacking


Peter Garov
Peter Garov Asked 12 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff,

I wanted to ask you something. It's a stupid question but the answer is quite important for me... While playing close to the table I want to attack half-long balls but I can't because I'm afraid not to hit the table with my bat... What should I do? Due to this fear my forehand topspin against backspin is going backwards and my finish position is too high. That means wrong way to stroke the ball correctly. Can you say something about that?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Peter,

Try to watch the ball really carefully.  Wait till it drops off the end of the table and then have a more vertical stroke.  When you are practicing even let the ball bounce twice so that you are getting an idea of the flight of the ball.  You need to get the idea of the flight of the ball so that you can start to predict the bounce.  It is a fear that you will get over once you start to have confidence in your judgement of the flight.

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Thoughts on this question

Peter Garov

Peter Garov Posted 12 years ago

Thanks alot, Alois! :) I'll try it. Should I immitate the stroke close to the table just for confidence and for understanding the position?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

That would be a good idea.

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