Footwork Example


Ji-Soo Woo
Ji-Soo Woo Asked 16 years ago

Hi Alois

one area (of many) I could use help on is my footwork. I thought watching professionals play on youtube might give me a better idea how to cover the court. Who would you recommend is the best player to watch? Who has the best footwork technique in your opinion?



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 16 years ago

Hi Ji-Soo,

The player I like to watch is Kong Linghui.  He has excellent balance whenever he is playing.  Footwork remember is about maintaining your balance throughout a rally, especially when you are contacting the ball.

Recommended Video

Building Block 2: Link Your Table Tennis Strokes with Better Footwork

The second building block of table tennis is linking your strokes with set patterns. This step focuses on transitioning smoothly between strokes, as playing from a single position is very different from reacting after a previous shot.

At this stage, improving your footwork is essential to ensure you can consistently get into the correct position. By mastering this building block, you’ll develop better coordination, rhythm, and adaptability, allowing you to handle more dynamic gameplay with confidence.

To develop building block 2 you can utilise the following modules:


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Thoughts on this question

Jeff Plumb

Member Badge Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 16 years ago
For more on this topic take a read of one of Alois' blogs Footwork or Balance

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