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Linking Strokes

Learning to link your strokes together is the next step in developing you table tennis game.

Tutorial Lessons

Building Blocks of Table Tennis

Building Blocks of Table Tennis
Back to Strokes and Techniques 0% COMPLETE 9 LESSONS
1 Introduction 1:38
2 Basic Strokes 2:10
3 Linking Strokes 1:25
4 Randomisation 2:41
5 Serve and Return 2:20
6 Match Drills 1:50
7 Match Play 1:12
8 Psychology 2:03
9 Summary 0:46

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D K Posted 7 years ago

This is the video explaining my biggest error!

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago

Yes it is often a forgotten step.


D K Posted 7 years ago

This is another reason why I asked the lady I told you abotu for training.
This reminds me of a question: what do you think about a training session that only consists from one or two drills and then only training matches 2x1,5hour a week?

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