Hi coach,
I have gotten into a habit of hitting my forehand topspins as a kill shot where i transfer my whole weight from my front leg to back leg,so while practicing consistency shots i am unable to hit more than 2-3 shots as my footwork is too slow to get me back into position and i often get the ball on my backhand... should i stick with the technique till my footwork eventually improves or should i practice hitting forehands with more or less stable legs so that i can concentrate on consistency??What should be the right training method?
Hi Rajesh,
I think it is important to get more stable with your legs especially if your weight is transferring backwards during your stroke. Get your feet further apart and try to make sure that your weight is exactly in the middle when the bat contacts the ball.
Then work on consistency of your stroke with good balance. It is important to get things like this correct before you move on as it will effect the rest of your game.
The second building block of table tennis is linking your strokes with set patterns. This step focuses on transitioning smoothly between strokes, as playing from a single position is very different from reacting after a previous shot.
At this stage, improving your footwork is essential to ensure you can consistently get into the correct position. By mastering this building block, you’ll develop better coordination, rhythm, and adaptability, allowing you to handle more dynamic gameplay with confidence.
To develop building block 2 you can utilise the following modules:
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rajesh jha Posted 13 years ago
no my balance does not transfe rbackwards. It transfers from left to right instead...
Have a look at this video..
i try to practice like this bt m unable to do so. Please advice.
Rajesh, That takes years and years of training to reach that level of footwork. Work at being consistent at a slower pace. It is great that your balance isn't going backwards.
Good luck with it.