Forehand counter vs. topspin


David B
David B Asked 14 years ago


I'm new to the sport.  I notice the forehand topspin is identical to the counter.  Just take back a little farther, follow through a little higher and swing a little faster.  Have I got this right?  If not, what am i missing?



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago


You have it exactly right.  Well done.  Think of your strokes as extensions of each other, the block, the counterhit and the topspin and then what some people call the loop are all just extensions of the same stroke. 

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Thoughts on this question

Tevia Sapire

Tevia Sapire Posted 14 years ago

The difference between counter and topspin is the contact. Topspin is a brushing contact while counter is mainly flat.The more brushing the more spin you will generate. So the topspin will generate, in general, a lot more spin than the counter. But what Alois is correct about that the are extensions of each other.

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