Getting the ball over the net with Pendulum serve


Anthony Tran
Anthony Tran Asked 9 years ago

 Hi Alois,

I am currently learning the sidespin pendulum serve. The ball curves very well, however, I can't get the ball over the net! The ball curves on my side of the table. I think my technique is incorrect so could you give me advice on how to correct this?


Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Anthony,

Try to alter the swing of your serve.  Get the bat moving more forward rather than to the side and this will give you more forward momentum and therefore get the ball further and hopefully over the net.

You can also just flatten out the contact slightly which will also give the ball more forward speed.

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Thoughts on this question

Anthony Tran

Anthony Tran Posted 9 years ago

Hi Alois, 

Thank you for your advice, however, the ball only comes over the net rarely. Most of the time it still curves on my side of the table, Thaand when it comes over the next, it doesn't really make a good curve. I read in a book that you should 'snap' the wrist and forearm to create maximum acceleration. What do they mean by 'snapping' the wrist? 



Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago

Yes snapping the wrist will help.  If you think of the wrist and forearm like a whip and whip it through.

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