Height advantage


farhoud Sixi
farhoud Sixi Asked 15 years ago

Hi coach,

 I just wanted to know how to use my hight as an advantage because wang ligin uses it, His above average height allows him additional leverage for acceleration and momentum, creating more powerful shots.

i just want to know how to do it, thank you

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Chotty,

Height can be an advantage because of you rreach and having longer levers in your arms.

You need to be able to move well to capitalise on this though.  Wang Liqin, Persson and Samsonov and  all the other great tall players move extremely well.  Especially in the middle area where tall players have difficulties.  Practice footwork a lot and practice moving away from the abll that is played to your middle.

Recommended Video

Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Playing as a Tall Player

If you have the gift of height then you'll want to watch this video to learn how you can use your height to your advantage and how you can minimise some of the disadvantages associated with being so tall in table tennis.

Watch Now

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