Help finding a longer handled bat


Bart Snell
Bart Snell Asked 12 years ago


I'm relatively new to this sport and recently picked up a fairly nice (DunRun "Title Holder") bat. This bat has the extra grippy rubbers and a 5-ply wood blade. My problem is that the handle itself is too short for my hands. It seems to be a common problem, as every single bat I've looked at has the same length handle, all of which dig uncomfortably into the meaty part of my palm just below my thumb. (I typically use the shakehand grip.)

I guess my question is, "Can you reccommend a blade that has a longer than "standard" lenght handle?" Do any of the blades PingSkills sell have varying length handles?


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Bart,

Firstly the PingSkills blade only comes with one size handle.  I don't know the best option for you here.  Some of our equipment specialists will be able to help. 

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Thoughts on this question

Claus Hamacher

Claus Hamacher Posted 12 years ago

You are sure yióu're holding the bat correctly? You must have really huge hands...

If the handle is too short perhaps you should look for someone who offers hand-made bats,


For example:


With your order, you can specify form, thickness and length of your handle. There might be something similar where you live. 

Bart Snell

Bart Snell Posted 12 years ago

Thanks for your thoughts and ideas.  Yes, I'm fairly sure I'm holding correctly and no, my hands aren't huge. Maybe its because I'm just not used to the handle digging into my palm (for several hours each day) that makes it so uncomfortable? As I said, I'm pretty new to this sport.

For what it's worth, I am not the only one to mention this "short coming". Several of my playing partners have also expressed a desire for more comfortable bats, i.e., bats with longer handles.

I'll check into a custom built one from the link you provided - or attempt to make my own.

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