How does the blade help speed/spin/control


M V Asked 13 years ago

Hi coach,

Was very curious to know that while it is understandable that a rubber by the sheer make and the direct impact/contact it will have with the ball will help the ball's spin/speed/control. but i also see that the blades (without rubber) are rated as defensive offensive and the most surprising for me high or low on spin? What goes into the make of the blade that it helps the speed/control and most importantly spin?

Just to also reiterate here that i have stopped giving importance to equipment now, as i have a good equipment with me. as jeff says the tone is in your fingers. :)

Asking coz i was just curious to know how a blade can help speed/control/spin!


Manish Vaidya

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Manish,

The rubber influences the effect most.  The blade can effect the speed because of its hardness and qualities.  Control is the opposite of speed.  As for spin, the faster blades make it more difficult to spin the ball because the ball doesn't stay on the rubber long enough whereas the slower blades allow the ball to sit int he rubber a little longer.

I am glad that you have found something suitable for yourself and very glad that Jeff's message has had an impact. 

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Thoughts on this question

jack neo

jack neo Posted 13 years ago

Does the hardness and the flex affect the ability to loop?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 13 years ago
I feel the softer blades make it easier to get more spin and loop on the ball.

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