How should I train


Moocached none
Moocached none Asked 11 years ago


I recently received a table tennis table. I played a bit with my brother and I really enjoyed it. However my brother didn't. I have seen some of your videos and they are very helpful. However my brother will not train with me and no one else will either. I also have a machine that fires out balls with different speeds and spin. I would like to ask you how I should train. I am really enthusiastic but I don't know how to improve (I am a complete beginner).

Sorry if I am a pain.



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Moocached,

You can use the robot to do some of your training.  Having a partner is a lot better but if you don’t have one then the robot is next best.

Take a look at the drills we have in our Training Drills free download.  This will give you some ideas for your training.  Also take a look at the Training Plan.  This gives you an outline of how to structure your training session.

The other lessons that are useful but are part of our Premium lessons is the Training Secrets series.

You are not a pain.  We enjoy being able to help players.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

#37 - Forehand 3rd Ball Attack

The forehand topspin off backspin is one of the most important strokes in Table Tennis. Even more important is the ability to serve and then make this attack off the 3rd ball. This is one of the most common tactics in Table Tennis and one you should practice regularly.

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Thoughts on this question

Moocached none

Moocached none Posted 11 years ago

Thank you very much!

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