How to improve my serve?


Anton Grigorescu
Anton Grigorescu Asked 5 years ago

Hi! My name is Anton and I am 12. I am from Romania. I am a professional table tennis player. I play for C.S. Pristavu (one of the best table tennis clubs in Romania).I can't aply spin on the ball when I serve. Please give me some tips for serving with spin. I love your channel. Thank you for helping me to play better. I watch all your videos.  I always learn something new after each video.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 5 years ago

Hi Anton,

Nice to hear from you and great to hear that you are so keen on improving your Table Tennis.

To generate spin think about getting a brushing contact on the ball.  Take a look at the tutorial on Learning To Spin first which gives you the basics, but these are important.


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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Fast Serve Down the Line

Find out how to serve a fast serve down the line and catch your opponent off guard.

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