How to make a good topspin serve


Dario Mirić
Dario Mirić Asked 10 years ago

I see good players varying serves especially ma long who varies very good either with sidespin-backspin serve or sidespin-topspin. I can serve good sidespin-backspin or just one of those type of serves but i find really difficult to serve quality topspin serve. I serve mostly pendulum serves.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Dario,

You need to develop your serve.  By hitting the ball at a different point of your swing you can start to get variations.  For the pendulum serve if you hit it later in the swing when your bat starts to go up you will get topspin on the ball.  It is not an easy concept to master but with practice you will get it.

We have a series on Serving Secrets which will help with this area of the game.

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Thoughts on this question

eduardo espinosa

eduardo espinosa Posted 10 years ago

Hi pingskillers! A good topspin serve can get you some points in a match.

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