How to receive short low spinny topspin serve


Ardak .
Ardak . Asked 4 years ago

Hi, coach!

How to receive short, very low and spinny serve which bounces to my forehand side and very close to the net?

If it was higher, then I would easily receive it with FH flick. If it was longer, then I would easily receive it with FH topspin. Initially the serve is slow, but when it touches  my side of the table, the ball bounces very fast, changes trajectory, gets very low which makes hard to flick. I can't topspin it because it is very low, and close to the table. I can't do swing, id est I can't start lower and finish higher. Pure horizontal swing is very risky because firstly it will go to the net, secondly it is hard even to catch with topspin with closed bat, because the ball changes trajectory and speed.I just blocked with closed angle, sometimes it worked but it was usually easy to attack. How to receive such serves correctly?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 4 years ago

Hi Ardak,

The push is a possibility.  You have to have a very vertical swing with the push.  If you can have a soft hand that will absorb some of the spin as well.

We do have a tutorial Receiving Short Topspin Serves for our Premium members as well.


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Thoughts on this question

Ardak .

Ardak . Posted 4 years ago

Thank you, coach! I understand you. I will try to learn it. 

Is this soft vertical push the ideal way to return such serve? What is the ideal way? I will try to learn it too. Thank you! 

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 4 years ago

I think either you can flick or push this ball.  With the flick it is key to get the ball at the peak of the bounce.  Even though it feels like it is bouncing low it will still be at a high enough point at some stage to be able to flick.

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