Improve my table tennis skills quickly.


Sannan Badar
Sannan Badar Asked 12 years ago


i want to ask that how should I improve my table tennis skills in less time . acually i am 15 years old boy in pakistan and the problem which i faces is that i can't play a long rally because sometimes  i hit the ball outside the table.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Sannan,

The best way to improve your skills in a short time is to hit a lot of balls and spend as much time as you can on the table.

You need to spend a lot of time playing consistent strokes.  Challenge yourself to get 100 shots on the table in a row.  If you can do this then your next target could be 500 shots.  It is important to get the stroke correct so that you become more consistent.

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