I am new to your website but found it very interesting. I am playing table tennis from last 6 years (not professionally). My game is good, but i am stuck at a level from where i am unable to rise. My backhand strokes are awsome, and i confidently hit smashes which are low on net too. But my forehand is weak. I can hit fore hand drive sweetly, but speed isnt that much.
Please guide me how can i improve my game. I Love this Game and wished to be a professional player even.
Hi Varun,
It is great that you are so passionate about Table Tennis.
The main thing is to keep working hard at your game and then ou never know where you will end up.
To increase the speed of your stroke you need to get the bat to move faster. The two common faults most players make when they do this is to try too hard which tightens up their arm and they also change their swing. This only results in a slower swing and less accuracy.
So think about maintaining a relaxed arm and then see how fast your arm will come through while keeping the action the same.
It's important to practice your shots slowly to get the correct technique. That will lead you to being able to hit the ball faster. You do need to practice these faster shots in training before using them in a match.
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