Improving skills daily


Anish Rao
Anish Rao Asked 7 years ago


I know this is a tough one to ask.

I practice for 2 hours daily and want to improve my skills on daily basis. Can you please suggest me a set of sequences that I can practice daily and will help to improve my game from all dimensions (Offence, defense, rallies etc.)?

I look forward to receive your suggestions.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Anish,

Work your way through the Strokes and Techniques section of the site.

We also have a 52 Week Training Plan that will help you to progress your skills in a methodical way.  There is also a Free Downloads section that gives you PingSkills Training Drills that will give you a lot of ideas.


Take a look at these two areas and see how much they can help you.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

#14 - The Crossover Point

In this session we talk about placement and finding the crossover point. In all the drills you need to try and place the ball to your opponent's middle.

Watch Now

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