Joola Rosskopf allround or Stiga Allround classic


Gaurav Shah
Gaurav Shah Asked 10 years ago


I'm Gaurav from India. I'm planning to go for a new racquet. I've been playing with a butterfly wakaba recreational racquet till now and I plan to upgrade to an assembled racquet now. I have an attacking style of play with more accuracy, control & speed on forehand as compared to my backhand. I need a racquet which i can use to drive & deliver top spins with consistency on both forehand & backhand and which also provides me the option of chopping decently. And I need a racquet with good control even if speed & spin are slightly compromised. My 1st question is that considering my requirements, which blade is better out of Joola Rosskopf Allround & Stiga Allround Classic. Secondly, I have decided to use Yasaka Mark V as one of my rubbers(most likely for FH). I need your advice regarding the other rubber(which most probably will be my BH rubber). Mostly I use my BH to chop and block and occasional drives and top spins. I am thinking of getting a rubber with softer feel for BH(let me know if this would be right) & which of the following of my considerations would be suitable: Joola Mambo, Butterfly Sriver/Sriver FX or Donic Coppa Jo gold. Also kindly let me know if you would rather suggest something else considering my requirements.

I am very thankful for your time & effort.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Gauruv,

I would go with Mark V on the Backhand but maybe a slightly thinner sponge, 1.5mm.

As for the blade there won’t be much difference between the two.  Get whichever one is more readily available or cheaper.

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Thoughts on this question

Gaurav Shah

Gaurav Shah Posted 10 years ago

Thanks Alois. Which blade would you prefer if you had to choose one because both are available. Also, for my BH, I was thinking to get some rubber with more tackiness than Mark V. Considering this, would you suggest something else or should I go for Mark V only with thinner sponge for BH as well?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

I haven’t used the Rosskopf bat but I have used the Stiga All-round Classic and I liked it so maybe that is the safer bet.

harsh neo

harsh neo Posted 8 years ago

hello gaurav ... Same as you i am also stuck between these two blades as one provides more control n consistency while the other (stiga allround classic) is more popular n trusted with d only difference being dat i have been using stag hinokii rrcreational racquet!! Otherwise myplay style is almost similar to d one u mentioned!! So pls do let me know that which combination u opted n how do u feel about it... N kindly let me know if u would rather suggest someething else... Thanx for ur time n effort

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