Keeping your composure

Mental Preparation

brian hart
brian hart Asked 13 years ago

Whenever I play games or matches I find myself getting very easily agrivated and angry. I've developed a bad habit of dwelling on my mistakes and reacting verbally. Any advice on thought processes between points to help me not lose composure. My weak mental game has me beating myself.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Brian,

I like to get into a routine of play the point, take a breath while picking up the ball or waiting for my opponent, focus on the tactic for the next point and then focus on the ball.  Doing all of this in the 10 seconds between points doesn't give yo much time to dwell on the past.

It is really natural to focus on the points that you lose, so just work at developing a routine for yourself between points that will occupy your mind and that little guy on your shoulder with all those negative thoughts. 

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