Hello Coach,
I started table tennis late. I'm 27 and I'm starting my 3rd week. I recently moved to Montreal and have joined a local club. I also discovered your wonderful website. I got myself a decent pair of shoes and a decent paddle.
I signed myself up for 4 2-hour sessions a week. These 2-hour sessions are very similar to the ones you described in your DVD "Training Secrets Revealed" i.e. it starts with some light warm-up exercises, stretching, basic forehand and backhand counterhit/topspin warmups, random drills for an hour then and finally about 30 minutes of matches.
My problem is that I am having trouble learning the basics. Initially, the coach gave me a brief overview of the strokes in much the same way as in your basic videos, then, I am thrown into the water, so to speak. I try to learn the basic strokes (backhand/forehand counterhit/topspin) during the warmup but I find myself picking up the ball most of the time. I am not consistent but am working on it! Before I know it, it's time to move on to the next drill. I don't really have the opportunity to get the hang of the basic strokes. I barely know the basics and I'm asked to do some rather complicated drills.
Is this how it should be? Is the only way for me to learn the basics by slowly (and painfully) going through these drills? I only have 10 minutes a session to figure out the basic strokes in it's simplest form? It is very frustrating for me. Do you have any advice?
Hi Alan,
I would speak to the coach and tell them that you are struggling with the basics. If there is someone else in the same situation, you may be able to pair up with them and spend more time on the basic strokes. You may also be able to change partners regularly so that different players are spending time with you on the basics.
Talking to the coach would be the best first step though.
In this session you'll focus on increasing the speed of your footwork. To do this we ask you to forget about consistency and concentrate on speed. You should be playing at a pace where you can get around 4 or 5 balls on the table. If you are getting 10 or 20 balls on then you need to up your pace again. It's important to play right to the edge of your ability to actually increase your skill level. We also continue to develop the new serve you have chosen to work on.
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Alan Tan Posted 13 years ago
Great News! I spoke to one of the coaches and she said she has some students who are in the same position as I am. So she'll work with us more on the basics. I feel very optimistic. I don't want to pick up bad habits by practising the wrong form.
Thanks for your advice!