Loose shoulder with forehand topspin


Johan Hartwigsen
Johan Hartwigsen Asked 11 years ago

Hi Alois

Yesterday after I finished my training session on the forehand top spin, a Chinese player came to me and said I should loosen my shoulder and arm when I play the stroke I don't fully understand what he meant by that and what is the purpose of it? Could you shed some light on it please? 

Kind regards

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Johan,

This is a common error with players.  The main muscles that tighten are the shoulder muscles.

Think about this.  Without the ball, swing through your forehand topspin stroke.  As you are swinging, try to use as little effort as you possibly can to get your bat from the start to finish positions.  Keep swinging through 10 or 20 times and each time feel if you can make the swing easier.  This is the amount of effort you need when swinging through.  Now go to the table and swing through a few topspins and see if you can get the same feeling.  Try not to worry about where the ball is going but only on the feeling of the swing.  Work through this and see if it helps.

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