Hi sir,
Jun Mizutani is my favourite player. He has a great service. Can you teach me his technique and secrets of his high toss side spin services?
Hi Abhi,
He has a great high toss serve. He puts a lot of sidespin on it with a really free flowing motion. One of the keys is the toss. Getting this right is crucial to making a good high toss serve.
He really attacks the contact on the ball to get the amount of spin. This is a normal pendulum serve with the high toss thrown in for more effect and spin.
Serving effectively while staying within the rules is crucial to improving your table tennis game. In this video, we simplify the essential serving rules you need to know and share tips to add pace and precision to your serves. Whether you're a beginner or looking to fine-tune your skills, this guide will help you master serves that are both legal and powerful.
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Abhi Joshi Posted 12 years ago
Thank You sir
Jeffery Liem Posted 12 years ago
Can you teach me his technique and secrets of his high toss side spin services?
However, can you teach us about his fake action?
you just show the basic sidespin?
Hi Jeffery,
It's really important to master the basics of the high toss serve. The first thing to work on is getting your high toss very consistent. This will give you the confidence to use the serve. Then work on generating some spin on the serve. As the ball is dropping from quite a height, you can start with a smooth action and still get good spin. After more practice you can start to swing the bat faster and generate lots of spin with a fast brusing action.
After you've hit the ball you can really move the bat around any way you like. All of these "fake" movements are used to try and confuse your opponent. I'd add these in once you are comfortable with the serve. You can mix up these fake movements on every serve.
Good luck!
nate s Posted 11 years ago
My only problem with the heigh toss serve is the ball comes off my bat way to fast and doesn't hit the other side of the table.
Is there something i can do to fix this?
Hi Nate,
You can shorten your swing. You can think about it even as the ball just dropping onto your bat. You only need to move your bat a little bit to get enough power to get it over the net.
Dunni Oluwayemi Posted 11 years ago
is it possible to use this as a shorter serve?
Deepak Maheshwari Posted 10 years ago
hello sir,
my basic problem is there is no spin in my serve...
i am unable to hit the the racket to my body while serving means my hands cant do it. i tried it lots of times.
so that my opponent could easily send back to me or make a shot on it...
would u please help..
sanjeev vijayanand Posted 10 years ago
I had to find find the solution after I saw the Jun Mizutani ghost serve in youtube.
But now I got it.
thanks....very nice
Sushil Agrawal Posted 10 years ago
Balance of tossing serve is very critical. Serve is very critical in the current format of game now. The video shows a very important technique of movement of TT bat below the ball. I will try it. Thanks.
Ilia Minkin Posted 10 years ago
What is the optimal angle for generating maximum backpsin on this serve? I find that with an ordinary toss bat parallel to the ground is the best, while with high toss serve flat bat produces almost no spin and tilting is better. Is that really true or I'm just doing something wrong?
Rory Goulding Posted 9 years ago
I wonder if the racket arm movement under the non-racket arm assisting in the timing of contact as well as to create the whip action.
I have been working on a high toss serve lately as well as a fast serve down the line( from a regular toss height).
One thing that I have found important for both is a slightly lower contact height, which feels like a slight hesitation.