New carbon blade


jean-pul yoxall
jean-pul yoxall Asked 5 years ago

Hi there,

For the last 2 years I have had 2 lots of Mark V rubbers on both backhand and forehand with a non-carbon blade. A friend of mine potentially may let me have an offensive carbon blade but im unsure on what rubbers to use as I would like to upgrade from the Mark V but dont know what to use.

Could you possibly advise me on some better rubbers than the mark V which are ideally cheap but dont have to be. My game is an offensive game with spinny serves.



Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 5 years ago

Hi JP,

We tend to use Rakza 7 rubber as the next step up.  Anything in that type of range of rubbers would be suitable.  You could try to use the Mark V on the new blade initially and just see if this increases the speed of the bat enough otherwise try something like Rakza 7.

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Thoughts on this question

jean-pul yoxall

jean-pul yoxall Posted 5 years ago

thanks for the reply

Kush Baveja

Kush Baveja Posted 4 years ago

I would suggest tacky and hard rubbers. Personally I use DHS Power pg5 (carbon) OFF+ with DHS Hurricane 8 on my forehand and DHS Hurricane 3 Neo on my Backhand. You can also have a softer rubber on your backhand such as sriver or tenergy 05 fx. But definitely a harder rubber on your forehand should help you.


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