No spin vs. backspin


Curtis Lewis
Curtis Lewis Asked 14 years ago

Hey Alois and Jeff

I need a little help in determining the difference between a backspin and a no spin serve.  Too many times i have pushed a no spin serve incorrectly and received a smash afterward.  How can I tell the difference?  My opponent is good at making every serve look the same.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Curtis,

It is important to watch the flight of the ball and also learn each time you return one.  For a No Spin serve it is probably easiest to flick.

The Backspin serve will come through a little lower and flatter whereas the no spin ball will bounce a little more evenly.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Reading Spin

Once you understand the effects of spin, you need to learn how to read the type and amount of spin your opponent puts on the ball when serving.

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