Performing the reverse pendulum serve


Caleb The
Caleb The Asked 12 years ago

Whenever I play my opponent, I always use a bad serve which is always easy to hit back. So I went on Youtube and I searched up how to do the reverse pendulum serve but I do not really understand it. I don't know whether to flick my wrist towards my chest or swing my arm towards my chest.

Please answer as soon as possible,                                                                                                     Thanks for answering.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Caleb,

For the Reverse Pendulum serve you need to flick your wrist mainly and a little bit of forearm.  You flick it in and then out towards the far net post.  This is the basic action you need to make.  It will take a bit of training to get it right.

We have a lot of instruction on this on our Serving Secrets lessons.

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Variation of Placement

The exact same serve placed to a different spot on the table can be much more difficult for your opponent to return.

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