Pimple Rubber


trivendra singh
trivendra singh Asked 14 years ago

Hi sir,

Thanks for your reply. Your answer is guide me to improve my table tennis skills. You can guide me right way because you are providing training a paralympic team. As i mention in previous question i participate first time in Costa Rica 20 factor,  Right now i am classify in class 4 but it may be change i am under observation in next tournament. So please guide me i use Mark V or change my rubber to pimple. because in Costa rica tournament I can't play my best as i think. i can won only two matches, one in open event and one in team event. In December i will participate in para Asian games so i have not much time. Please guide me what's i do

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Trivendra,

If you attack with your backhand then stay with the Mark V.  If you are defensive only on the backhand then you can try the Long Pimple.

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Thoughts on this question

James Goulding

James Goulding Posted 13 years ago

Hi there,

I liked what you advised on whether to stay or change the rubber on the BH to Normal/L-Pips, based on if playing off/def. But I would like to ask a quick follow up question to T's Qn:

As also being a Wheelchair player like T, I would also normally play close to the table.  I have a stronger BH than FH (and play more on BH than FH), so would long pips be as effective if played on the FH as on the BH?



Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 13 years ago

Hi James,

I saw a few of the highly ranked wheelchair player using long pimples on the forehand to good effect.  It is definitely an option that you can explore. 

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