Ping-Pong Diplomacy by Nicholas Griffin


Neville Young
Neville Young Asked 7 years ago

I guess this isn't really a question, however, it is a book about the history of Table Tennis and is fascinating. It has a different view from anything you will have read before.

For instance did you know that Ivor Montague the British aristocrat who founded the ITTF was a communist spy for the entire time he was president of the ITTF.

Did you know that if it wasn't for the fact that the Sands Toy Company owned the trademark for the term Ping Pong we would have the IPPF.

How about the story of the 1936 world championship where the eventual winner ate a cheese baguette, had a chessboard set up and called out his moves against an opponent during the game and that the first point lasted 2 hours and 13 minute and is the reason why we have an expedite rule.

I lent this to an elderly table tennis friend who wasn't sure he would read it as he hadn't read a book for 50 years. A week later he told me as soon as he started it he couldn't put it down and finished it inside a week.

So a big thank you to my son who gave me the book for Christmas.

If you want to find out more about the book visit here.

Costs $19-99 and is worth every cent.

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Thanks Neville.

Anyone else that reads it or has read it, we would love to hear your thoughts and interesting parts...

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Thoughts on this question

Glenn O'Dea

Glenn O'Dea Posted 7 years ago

A fascinating book, and the reason I started writing "Across The Net".  Don't be put off by the fact that it's a history book.  It's extremely well written and easy to read (in fact, it's hard to put down).


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