Pingskills Rook


Collin Hill
Collin Hill Asked 12 years ago

Hi Alois & Jeff, I was wondering about the consistency in my strokes...(which is OK) and was wondering if the Pingskills Rook will give me any more control than my bat...(which is a cheap stiga with fairly good rubber...i think...LoL)  Also on the Rook can I replace the rubber in the future with Xiom Vega Pro rubber?  Thanks in advance!!! :D

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Collin,

The Rook is probably a step up from what you are describing.  You can replace the rubber but not as easily because it is a pre made bat.

If you are going to go up to a Vega Pro you are better off with the Touch or something similar.

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Thoughts on this question

Collin Hill

Collin Hill Posted 12 years ago

Ok Thanks I think i will be ordering one soon :)

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