Playing against lower level players


Wayne Sy
Wayne Sy Asked 12 years ago

Hi there coach, I have problems playing with low level players, specially when the player is way farther from my level. I played with a player awhile ago and I can't seem to execute my strokes. The player I played with was way farther than my level, so I know that I can beat him. But the problem is, I can't move properly whenever I face low level players, and sometimes ending up losing to them. But luckily, this time I won, but the results was not pleasing. Our game reached 3-2, in favor of mine, when it should be 3-0 in favor of mine. Maybe this was because I get arrogant a little bit and think that I would win. I know that this kind of mindset makes me lose. So how do I set my mind to do well when playing against low level players?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Wayne,

Perhaps you need to re focus when playing lower level players.  Sometimes it can be difficult but if you set yourself some goals for the match you will find it easier.

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