practicing with weight


gianluca soderini
gianluca soderini Asked 15 years ago

I would like to know your opinion about training with a light weight of half a kilo around the arm to improve a bit the power of the shots.

I really wont to tell you the I appreciate your work.



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Gianluca,

I have asked Eric Rosario to answer this one for us.  He has had vast experience in designing and implementing weight training programs for athletes from many sports including Table Tennis.  Here is his insightful answer.  We will ask him to write more on the subject for one of our upcoming Newsletters.

"If you train with a weight around your arm gravity will act to  drag the arm down in a vertical plane but you are trying to increase power in a horizontal plane.  It would be better to use resistance of a pully or rubber band but this should not be done in the course of stroke play as it will disrupt stroke pattern."

I hope this answers your question.  Watch out for a more detailed answer.  If you are not currently a Subscriber to the PingSkills Newsletter then why not join now.  Just go to our Home page and sign up.  It is totally free.

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When playing your strokes, especially the forehand, you should consider the transfer of weight from your back leg to your front leg. You also need to incorporate a twisting motion of the waist. Doing this will give your stroke more power.

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Thoughts on this question

DHS Lover

DHS Lover Posted 11 years ago

anyway, who is that Eric Rosario sir ? it seems like you family sir ?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

Yes he is my father.

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