Problem with Topspin


brian amba
brian amba Asked 12 years ago

Dear PingSkills Team,

I'm Brian LE V. Amba And I got problem with my topspin then my teammate told me about and I quickly register and ask question.

My problem is my topspin always get stuck on the net or go really far from the table. My coach wonder why i cant do topspin while I can do all advance stuff easily.

What should I do so I can master topspin 

(Sorry for my English I'm Filipino) 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Brian,

Really focus on these two things and two things only.  Make sure you are starting at knee high with your bat ext to you and the most important thing is finish with your bat up at your right eyebrow.  Do this slowly to start with and then speed up as you get more confident.

If you are not finishing at your eyebrow, stop, slow down and do it again.

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