Push Options


DHS Lover
DHS Lover Asked 11 years ago

Hi PingSkills, I want to ask about the push stroke

for example if they serve with a lot of backspin and i push it short, then they'll flick me as it's only a little backspin on it
but if i push it long. they still can topspin it buy lift the ball up

so what option is the best ? as i always see that simon gerada always push long
or can i push short with a lot of backspin ? if yes, how ? or it's best to push it wide and short near the end of the net?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Frendy,

The best is if you can push short and low with lots of backspin.  This will stop them from attacking.  If you can't keep the ball low then you are better off to push the ball fast and long with a lot of backspin.

If you push long you need to be prepared to block or attack off a topspin ball which can be difficult.

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Thoughts on this question

DHS Lover

DHS Lover Posted 11 years ago

as you said it's the best to push short with lots of backspin, how to do that ? as if i push it short, it only have a little backspin so they flick me
that's the problome...

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

You need to practice this.  It takes a lot of practice to get the contact right.  You need a fine fast brushing action.

mat huang

mat huang Posted 11 years ago

Yea alois is right. BUt think about it differently. After a push which is slow, you have more time to move back whislt if you move back and vblock a topspin flick- (fast) it will be even harder for them to return

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