I am about to buy my 1st custom made racket and I would really like to have your opinion on which one I should go for. I like to play a fast game fairly close to the table, smash from both forehand and backhand at every oppurtunity and spin the ball from my forehand only. A lot of my game is about placement so I need something which has very good control. Here's what I am thinking of getting
Wood: Donic persson power play
FH: Yasaka Pryde
BH: Yasaka Mark V or Butterfly Srivier EL
Please tell me any other options as well
Hi Danial,
I think that is a reasonable combination. If anything I would go for Mark V on the forehand as well.
Others may have opinions for you as well.
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Danial Ahmed Posted 11 years ago
Allright. I have played with Mark V and though its got good control, it doesn't have the speed that I want for my forehand. How about Yasaka Rakza 7 on the forehand? I read its got great speed and spin with average control. Do you think Yasaka Eagle or Yasaka original extra high grade wood will be better for me? The woods available in my local area are:
Staff OFF+
Donic Persson Power Play
Yasaka Eagle OFF
Yasaka original extra high grade OEX offensive
Butterfly Carbon Blade
Friendship 729 ATT
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago
Stay with the same blade and just get a slightly faster rubber on the forehand then. The Rakza 7 or Yasaka Pryde.
Danial Ahmed Posted 11 years ago
Allright. Thank you!