if a person serves and hits the net and goes they re serve or lose a point?
Hi Kevin,
That is out and the receiver gets the point. The ball has to hit the receivers side of the table to be a let or a re serve.
What part of the table is considered to be in and what part is out... What happens if you hit the edge?
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Kevin k Posted 12 years ago
John Samuel Posted 9 years ago
In case if the ball touches the net and falls on the other side of the table, how any times can it be re-served, if the action is repeated? Is it a foul if the ball touches the net for three times while serving?
In doubles, what if the ball touches the net and falls on the opposite side of the table, but it falls on the wrong side? I mean from the same court that the server is serving it a re-serve or a point is straight away awarded to the receiver?
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago
Hi John,
You never lose a point for serving a let so they can serve as many lets in a row as they like and it is still always a let.
In doubles if the ball touches the net and then falls on the wrong half of the receivers side it is the receiving team’s point.
John Samuel Posted 9 years ago
Thank you very much sir, you are always responsive to any questions. It inspires me to be part of pingskills community