Hi Alois
What's the difference of a red rubber with black rubber?
I think the red rubber is more spin and the black is for more power. It's that correct?
Thank You
That is an interesting question and a common thought.
The only difference is the colour. Bats have to have one side red and one side black so manufacturers make them in both colours. The speed, spin and control depend on the type of rubber not the colour.
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Fred Unknown Posted 16 years ago
Paul Unknown Posted 16 years ago
I read somewhere that before the game players are allowed to examine their opponent bats. If a bat does not have the same rubber the player would know the difference and since black and red are pretty different colors he would clearly see what side of the bat the opponent uses and would have fare chances to predict the behavior of the ball.
Ji-Soo Woo Posted 16 years ago
I heard the opposite. That red rubber had more pace and black had more spin. Something about the different dying process. That's why I always use black for forehand and red for backhand. So it turns out to be an urban myth!
Black was once better for the Chinese rubbers, I'm not sure nowadays. Red was once better for the Japanese rubbers, but they are the same now. The whole issue was about the coloring substance.
The reason for the rule about having to use one red and one black rubber was brought in to lessen the effect of using anti-spin. If a player could use two rubbers that were both the same color and one was anti-spin and the other a normal rubber, it became very hard for an opponent to know what type of spin was on the ball.