Serving consistency


sachintha weerasinghe
sachintha weerasinghe Asked 10 years ago

Mr. Alois

Now its been almost 1 and a half years since i started playing and im really getting frustrated,

I have no one to play with and i end up practicing serves for about forty five minutes each day and i still cant get any consistency in my serve.

The strange thing about this is that sometimes after weeks of continuous training i manage to perfect my serve but when i try to serve the day after i cant even hit the ball with my bat!!!, and i realize that i have to start from the basics again.  Now this has kept happening to me for about five or six times.

So what do you think is it simply because i think too much? or is it my equipment? 

Please help me since i cant figure out why.

thank you.


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Sachintha,

I would say it is probably that you are overthinking it.  When you are training regularly, with your serving you will develop consistency.  Because serving is such a fine skill where you are trying to brush the ball finely, it is important to be regular with the practice.  Don’t stress if it takes a while before you get it right.  The best players in the world still practice their serves every training session.

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Thoughts on this question

sachintha weerasinghe

sachintha weerasinghe Posted 10 years ago

Thanks for the reply.but the thing is that i practice 7 days a week (half an hour each day for serve training) ,so could it simply be that i could have 'over practiced'?

Thank you.

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