Short and Long Serve Length Ranges


Shadab B
Shadab B Asked 3 years ago

If half of the table is 137cm and the net is considered the origin (0cm), what ranges are considered a short serve and long serve?

i.e short serves are from 0-45cm and long serves are 100-137cm. 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 3 years ago

Hi Shadab,

It isn't really where the ball bounces that makes the biggest difference.  The main thing is if it bounces twice on the receiver's side of the table.

If it only bounces once then it is easier for the receiver to make an attacking stroke.  If it bounces twice then that attack becomes more difficult.

The bounce position varies because of the type and amount of spin on the ball.

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No Spin Serve

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