Slow Spinny Loop follow up


Ji-Soo Woo
Ji-Soo Woo Asked 16 years ago

Hi Alois

I was just watching your youtube video on the slow spinny loop and had another follow-up question.  In the demonstrations you are standing quite close to the table when the loop is hit, so it is fairly straight forward to block/punch/counterloop off the bounce.

What happens if you are further back from the table when the slow spinny loop is hit?  Should you quickly move into the table as soon as you recognise the type of stroke the opponent has played so you can return it off the bounce a la the video?  Is it ever better to stay back?  And if so, what kind of stroke would you play?


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 16 years ago

Hi Ji-Soo,

It is easier if you can get close to the table to deal with the slow spinny loop.  If you are further back, the ball is dipping quite quickly and it can be very difficult to get the contact right.  Also because the ball doesn't come through fast it may tend to drop in front of you.

If you are forced to play this stroke from further away, you need to have a very open blade initially to make sure you are contacting the ball.  Use very soft hands and spin the ball back.  This takes a fair bit of touch as well.  Don't try to play this ball too fast as it is often below the level of the net or even table by the time you cantact it.

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Slow Spinny Topspin

A slow spinny topspin can be very difficult to deal with. Think about using this type of loop in your game to draw errors from your opponent. Learn about some different ways to execute this stroke and find out if your opponent has difficulties with this type of ball.

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