Soft Backhand Rubber


joshnathan llorente
joshnathan llorente Asked 12 years ago

Good day sir ..

I searched on what kind of equipment does the top players use and I noticed that most of them used softer rubbers on their backhand .. do you have an idea why did they do that?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Joshnathan,

Some players use soft rubber on the backhand to get more control and have faster rubber on the forehand to get more power.

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Thoughts on this question

Sahil Sachdeva

Sahil Sachdeva Posted 12 years ago

THE fact was that we should choose harder rubbers on four hand that allows you to feel better on FH.........You should choose softer rubbers on backhand that allows you to feel better on your BH............                 ...THANKS...

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