Spin back to own teritorry


AmekunRaiane Rivadeneira
AmekunRaiane Rivadeneira Asked 12 years ago

hey coach if i serve a really heavy backspin

it bounces to the opponent table then comes back to my own is it his point or my point

thx coach :)

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Amekun,

That is your point.  He has to hit it before it comes back onto your side for the point to continue.

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Thoughts on this question

AmekunRaiane Rivadeneira

AmekunRaiane Rivadeneira Posted 12 years ago

thx coach theres been a lot of conflict about that in the club that i play in

hahaahah :)

thx Again :)

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