Greetings,PingSkills Team,
I would like to ask how can I verify if my shots do not have much of spin, or if my sparring simply closes/opens the ball too much?
When it comes to loop, I try to learn a similar way like Petr Korbel does.
He is said to be the only CZ player to be capable of that,other players,despite being powerful,have loops rather as a "spinny bomb".
Korbel's loops look so soft,yet powerful,they look like they are truly TOPspin. They look like their powersource is the first bounce rather than the stroke itself.
I would ask Korbel personally,but he does not appear in the club too much. I havent seen him there for two months.
This is a difference I am not able to see on video mostly,but I have seen some even international players doing the power type loop rather than the controlled type loop,since I have seen them live.
When it comes to chop,I am rather confused,as kids pop up the same balls powerful players send into the net and vice versa.
Hi Dan,
It is getting the feel for it yourself after playing it against different players and different styles. The racket speed and the contact are the key things here. The bounce is not the power source, it has to be the stroke and the contact.
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D K Posted 5 years ago
I know the bounce is not the powersource,I said it LOOKS LIKE that.
I am a bit confused because when I loop to even much less powerful boy,he blocks my full power loops into the net,but when he misses and the ball reaches the floor,I can hear it rotating against the barrier even though it is more than 6 meters from me. And my stroke was very loud,it should be mostly silent.
D K Posted 5 years ago
Today I found out that most players,if they fail to block my loop,usually block into the net
Nigel C Posted 5 years ago
Why not film yourself playing and use a ball with a pattern on to make the spin easier to see.
I played in a local tournament against a player from a higher division. I played a slow spinny mostly topspin loop that my opponent blocked but straight into the net. He marched round the table and wanted to check my bat as he thought it might be wet (It wasn't). At that time I was using Friendship 729 FX and the rubber was clean and dry. The ball was dry too. He was also using a sticky rubber (Hurricane but not sure which one) but don't see how this would make a difference. Without and action replay I will never know for sure what happened. If you film your loops you may be able to tell if it's your opponents technique or something you are doing?
D K Posted 5 years ago
Yea,I thought about something like that,but
a)no opponent allows me to film my match
b)there is rarely some good spot for the camera :'(